
Hypocotyl explants of S. melongena showed three types of regeneration through callus formation depending on the concentration of NAA in the medium. At 0.8 mg l−1, only callus was produced. Lower concentrations resulted in callus, adventitious roots (optimum, 0.016 mg 1−1 NAA), and adventitious shoots (no NAA). Roots and shoots developed during the early stages of culture. Higher concentrations of NAA depressed callus growth and stimulated embryoid formation (optimum 8.0 mg 1−1 NAA), Embryoids were identifiable after about 6 weeks as green spots on the surface of callus: Addition of 6-BA enhanced shoot production but inhibited both root and embryoid production. Whole plants were obtained from embryogenic callus after transfer to NAA free medium.

Genotypic differences in response were observed. In general, the potential for embryogenesis was independent of or inversely related to the potential for organogenesis.

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